James Almer (2018-02-07):
> Since reverting would be dirty, I'd prefer if we keep the discussion
> about the desired API going and then apply the needed patches on top of
> the current tree.
> As long as we don't take weeks to do it (and do it before a release is
> tagged), any kind of change to what is already committed is ok.

Yes, that is exactly what I meant with "virtually revoked". Let us hope
people will not start using the API before we stabilize it.

But I would like that people be more careful with it. Twice in a few
days have patches been pushed while there were outstanding objections
about the API. If it had been done on purpose, I think it would have
been ground for revoking git commit rights.

Now, as for the possible APIs for iterating:

(A) this one using an opaque pointer and a _next() call;

(B) using an index;

(C) returning the whole list at once in a newly allocated array.

Are there any missing?

I am rather in favour of (C), because it is the one that puts the least
constraint on the internal implementation. And it is very convenient for
the caller.


  Nicolas George

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