On 2/7/2018 9:52 AM, Nicolas George wrote:
> Josh de Kock (2018-02-06):
>> ffmpeg | branch: master | Josh de Kock <j...@itanimul.li> | Fri Dec 22 
>> 22:17:00 2017 +0000| [7e8eba2d8755962d9dca5eade57bf8f591a73c0c] | committer: 
>> Josh de Kock
>> lavc: add new API for iterating codecs and codec parsers
>> Based on an unfinished patch by atomnuker.
> Why was this pushed when there was no consensus about the API?
> Please consider this is virtually reverted.
> Regards,

Since reverting would be dirty, I'd prefer if we keep the discussion
about the desired API going and then apply the needed patches on top of
the current tree.
As long as we don't take weeks to do it (and do it before a release is
tagged), any kind of change to what is already committed is ok.
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