On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 13:56:08 +0100, Paul B Mahol wrote:
> +@section fillborders
> +
> +Fill borders of the input video.

Nice, but isn't this something the drawbox filter could be enhanced to

> +fill blank pixels

Does this mean "fill with blank pixels"? Does this imply transparency?
(Sorry, I couldn't figure that out from the code at first glance.)

> +Set color for blank pixels. Defauls is @var{black}.
                               ^ Default

>  OBJS-$(CONFIG_FIND_RECT_FILTER)              += vf_find_rect.o lavfutils.o
> +OBJS-$(CONFIG_FILLBORDERS_FILTER)            += vf_fillborders.o
>  OBJS-$(CONFIG_FLOODFILL_FILTER)              += vf_floodfill.o

Alphabetical order. ;-)

>      REGISTER_FILTER(FIND_RECT,      find_rect,      vf);
> +    REGISTER_FILTER(FILLBORDERS,    fillborders,    vf);
>      REGISTER_FILTER(FLOODFILL,      floodfill,      vf);


> +    { "left",   "set the left fill border",   OFFSET(left),   
> AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64=0}, 0, INT_MAX,    FLAGS },
> +    { "right",  "set the right fill border",  OFFSET(right),  
> AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64=0}, 0, INT_MAX,    FLAGS },
> +    { "top",    "set the top fill border",    OFFSET(top),    
> AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64=0}, 0, INT_MAX,    FLAGS },
> +    { "bottom", "set the bottom fill border", OFFSET(bottom), 
> AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64=0}, 0, INT_MAX,    FLAGS },

Could make that "... fill border width" or something (which may be
redundant - I'm not sure).

> +    { "mode",   "set the fill borders mode",  OFFSET(mode),   
> AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64=0}, 0, FM_NB_MODES-1, FLAGS, "mode" },
> +        { "smear",  NULL, 0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=FM_SMEAR},  0, 0, 
> FLAGS, "mode" },
> +        { "mirror", NULL, 0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=FM_MIRROR}, 0, 0, 
> FLAGS, "mode" },
> +        { "blank",  NULL, 0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=FM_BLANK},  0, 0, 
> FLAGS, "mode" },

The default mode ("{.i64=0}") should also be encoded with use of an
explicit macro.

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