On 07/08/17 20:28, Jorge Ramirez wrote:
> On 08/03/2017 01:53 AM, Mark Thompson wrote:
>>> +        AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,\
>>> +        {.i64 = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP},\
>>> +        0, INT_MAX, FLAGS },\
>>> +    { "output_memory",\
>>> +        "Output memory model: See V4L2_MEMORY_* in videodev2.h. This 
>>> depends on the HW but default should work with most.",\
>>> +        OFFSET(capture_pool.memory),\
>>> +        AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,\
>>> +        {.i64 = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP},\
>>> +        0, INT_MAX, FLAGS },\
>>> +    { "num_output_pool_buffers",\
>>> +        "Number of buffers in the output pool",\
>>> +        OFFSET(output_pool.num_buffers),\
>>> +        AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,\
>>> +        { .i64 = 16 },\
>>> +        4, INT_MAX, FLAGS }
>> Can we attempt to set this automatically based on the codec?  16 won't be 
>> enough for worst-case H.264/H.265.
> please could you suggest some defaults so I can prepare the table?

If, as you've suggested elsewhere, the decoder doesn't actually use these 
frames for reference and instead has its own copies internally then this won't 
actually matter.

If it turns out that you do need the buffering here then the numbers of 
surfaces used by other hardware decoders are probably good - e.g. 
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