On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 3:15 AM, Kyle Swanson <k...@ylo.ph> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 12:18 PM, wm4 <nfx...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, 2 May 2017 16:16:35 +0200
>> Nicolas George <geo...@nsup.org> wrote:
>>> Le duodi 12 floréal, an CCXXV, Paul B Mahol a écrit :
>>> > This is all one big mess.
>>> It is, but I will not take responsibility when it is not mine.
>>> Libavfilter was in need of a serious overhaul. I do not see you denying
>>> it, and you suffered from the limitations it was causing as much as
>>> anybody else. I have undertaken that overhaul, and the help I received
>>> from other developers in that project has been scarce, to say the least.
>> That doesn't free you from the responsibility to keep things in a
>> reasonably working state.
>>> I do not complain, I can manage on my own; it will take longer, but I am
>>> in no rush. But I will not let the complaints of the inspectors of
>>> finished work trouble me.
>> I can understand that attitude, but if a fix takes "longer" and
>> meanwhile certain filters or encoders crash left and right in git
>> master and even in the latest FFmpeg release, there's a need to act
>> quickly, even if it means reverting certain patches.
> I believe this is still broken on git master and is present on release
> 3.3. If a proper fix is going to take time, the patches that caused
> this should probably just be reverted for the time being, IMHO.
>> I don't want to blame anyone (and I ask you not to blame others either,
>> like you did above), but please fix/avoid crashing bugs?
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> Thanks,
> Kyle

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