Le duodi 22 ventôse, an CCXXV, Paul B Mahol a écrit :
> You could reply with something like: please do not push, wait for my reply.

Yes, I COULD have done that.

On the other hand, you SHOULD have waited to push: first replying to
Marton's comments, and then giving him a fair amount of time to reply.

Pushing a simple patch when there are no comments is one thing. Pushing
a big patch when people have commented without replying, and even less
give them to follow up is not only breaking developer guidelines but
also basic courtesy.

> I'm happy with code as it is.

This is a necessary condition, but not a sufficient one.

I will not demand you to revert, that would be silly, but please do not
do it again. And consider Marton's future comments (ans possibly mine)
exactly as binding as if the patch had not yet been applied.


  Nicolas George

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