On 15 September 2016 at 18:36, James Almer <jamr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There have been some complains from developers about keeping both > SDL1 and SDL2 support at the same time even after all SDL1 code > has been already ported, and especially since it makes maintaining > ffplay more complex, so seeing the waters are divided I think the > best solution will be to vote. > > Arguments in favor of keeping SDL1: > * Debian Old-Stable and Ubuntu 12.04 don't ship an usable SDL2 > by default, meaning a few extra steps for anyone wanting to > compile ffmpeg git would be needed to keep ffplay and the sdl > outdev working on them. > * We have a dev willing to maintain the SDL1 version of ffplay > until the above two distros are EOLed. > > Arguments in favor of dropping SDL1: > * SDL1 is old and effectively unmaintained. > * The above distros will never upgrade their ffmpeg packages. > * Anyone compiling ffmpeg git from source on any of the above > distros most likely already has to deal with other missing > deps, like any recent x264, be it from unnofficial PPAs or > manually compiling from source. SDL2 would not be any > different in that regard. > * Even though we have a dev willing to maintain the deprecated > SDL1 code, he'd rather not have to deal with it. > > Other arguments in favor or against are welcome. > > The vote will end 1 week from now, simple majority wins, and > it's open only to those in the voting committee[1]. > Marton Balint, while not in the committee, should IMO also > have the chance to vote or at least comment since he's the > main ffplay maintainer. > > Regards. > > [1] https://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2015-October/182207.html > _______________________________________________ > ffmpeg-devel mailing list > ffmpeg-devel@ffmpeg.org > http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-devel > I'd rather have SDL1 support dropped. ffplay is the only thing on my machine which uses libsdl1.2. Everything else has moved to libsdl2 (except dosbox which got forked to support sdl2 because development is mostly dead). Keeping a separate version of ffplay (like ffmpeg_qsv) doesn't sound to me like a good idea. _______________________________________________ ffmpeg-devel mailing list ffmpeg-devel@ffmpeg.org http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-devel