On 9/14/2016 3:51 PM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 06:00:00PM +0200, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
>> 2016-09-14 17:54 GMT+02:00 Josh de Kock <j...@itanimul.li>:
>>> We discussed this in IRC and thought that ffmpeg was a
>>> big enough library, and it switching to SDL2 may help
>>> distros to consider supporting SDL2
>> If this really were the only reason, I sincerely hope we
>> wouldn't even consider this patch.
>> My question remains: What about Debian, Ubunut and
>> Fedora? Do they still have supported versions without
>> sdl2 2.0.1?
> ubuntu 12.04 LTS has SDL 1.2, no 2.0

Not even in the backports repository? Afaik that's how Debian
7 ships SDL 2.0.0.

> its supported till 2017-04-26

That is also more or less the date when Debian 7 will be EOLed,
so it's a good time to fully drop SDL1 support.

> should we keep old ffplay as a ffplay-sdl1 until then ?

I'm fine with that if others are (Especially Marton and Josh,
since they develop/maintain ffplay). It's a good compromise.

But much like ffserver it should similarly be marked as
deprecated and essentially unmaintained somewhere.

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