On 9/14/2016 1:12 PM, Clément Bœsch wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 05:34:05PM +0200, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
>> 2016-09-12 20:58 GMT+02:00 Josh de Kock <j...@itanimul.li>:
>>> From: Marton Balint <c...@passwd.hu>
>>> Depends on the other SDL patches.
>> This works fine on my antique desktop system (where an
>> extra repository provides sdl2 2.0.3) but not on my laptop
>> that I did not consider eol so far, it only has 2.0.0.
> According to semantic versioning (not sure if SDL follows it) 2.0.3 a bug
> fix release for 2.0.x. So 2.0.0 is probably officially broken and the
> maintainer might be doing a very poor job at maintaining his packages.

Debian Stable has 2.0.2, Debian Testing has 2.0.4.

It's Debian Old-Stable that apparently has 2.0.0, and may or may not
get it updated before it's EOLed early next year. But then again, you
shouldn't be using Old-Stable for a desktop environment.
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