Le nonidi 29 fructidor, an CCXXIV, Josh de Kock a écrit :
> What is your attachment to the SDL1 library?

None at all. You did not read me carefully at all. My attachment is to the
OpenGL device.

> Firstly, the OpenGL device doesn't have the best implementation, and lavd

I am rather surprised. IIRC, Reimar was active on the list at the time it
was implemented, I think he would have spotted problems like that. Can you

> really doesn't seem like the right place for this. You'd be better off
> writing your own from scratch or using something like libmpv (which has a
> proper renderer).

That defeats the purpose of libavdevice.

> Sorry, I'm not sure how you think the SDL device can be used without SDL.

I think the OpenGL device can be used without SDL, please read carefully.
OpenGL uses a global state, not a context parameter passed to each function.
That means that part of an application can create and init the OpenGL
context and other parts of the application can draw on it without any
explicit communication between them. That is exactly what is meant for the
device in lavd: the application creates and inits the context, then lavd
generates OpenGL commands which are executed on the context. SDL is only
used in this device as a convenience for simpler applications.


  Nicolas George

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