On 9/11/2016 4:46 PM, Josh de Kock wrote:
-if ! disabled sdl; then
+if ! disabled sdl && ! enabled sdl2; then
     if check_pkg_config sdl SDL_events.h SDL_PollEvent; then
         check_cpp_condition SDL.h "(SDL_MAJOR_VERSION<<16 | SDL_MINOR_VERSION<<8 | 
SDL_PATCHLEVEL) >= 0x010201" $sdl_cflags &&
@@ -5876,6 +5880,24 @@ if ! disabled sdl; then
 enabled sdl && add_cflags $sdl_cflags && add_extralibs $sdl_libs

+if ! disabled sdl2 && ! enabled sdl; then
+    SDL2_CONFIG="${cross_prefix}sdl2-config"
+    if check_pkg_config sdl2 SDL_events.h SDL_PollEvent; then
+        check_cpp_condition SDL.h "(SDL_MAJOR_VERSION<<16 | SDL_MINOR_VERSION<<8 | 
SDL_PATCHLEVEL) >= 0x020001" $sdl2_cflags &&
+        check_cpp_condition SDL.h "(SDL_MAJOR_VERSION<<16 | SDL_MINOR_VERSION<<8 | 
SDL_PATCHLEVEL) < 0x020100" $sdl2_cflags &&
+        enable sdl2
+    else
+      if "${SDL2_CONFIG}" --version > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+        sdl2_cflags=$("${SDL2_CONFIG}" --cflags)
+        sdl2_libs=$("${SDL2_CONFIG}" --libs)
+        check_cpp_condition SDL.h "(SDL_MAJOR_VERSION<<16 | SDL_MINOR_VERSION<<8 | 
SDL_PATCHLEVEL) >= 0x020001" $sdl2_cflags &&
+        check_cpp_condition SDL.h "(SDL_MAJOR_VERSION<<16 | SDL_MINOR_VERSION<<8 | 
SDL_PATCHLEVEL) < 0x020100" $sdl2_cflags &&
+        enable sdl2
+      fi
+    fi
+enabled sdl2 && add_cflags $sdl2_cflags && add_extralibs $sdl2_libs

SDL2 is also probably going to require special-casing -mconsole into
sdl2_libs for MinGW like we already do for SDL1's sdl_libs. Nothing
changed in that regard on SDL's side, IIRC.
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