On 08/23/2016 08:49 PM, Nicolas George wrote:
+    int speaker_position; /** an OutputChannelPosition from ISO/IEC 23001-8 */

I think most our API users and even developers have better use for 158 Swiss
Francs than feeding the ISO. Please make the API self-sufficient; I suggest
an enum.

I'll introduce an enumeration AVSpeakerPosition. However, the spec is available publicly at http://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/c062088_ISO_IEC_23001-8_2013.zip . (And the table of output channel positions starts at page 24.)

Le septidi 7 fructidor, an CCXXIV, erkki.seppala....@nokia.com a écrit :
From: Erkki Seppälä <erkki.seppala....@nokia.com>

Added support for passing complex channel layout configuration as side
as specified by ISO/IEC 14496-12.

This information isn't integrated into the existing channel layout
system though,

I think it needs to be.

Unfortunately properly integrating this information into FFmpeg sounds larger than the scope of my project. I imagine this still would be very helpful base work should such information be actually supported by various parts of FFmpeg.

A special bit in the AV_CH_LAYOUT_* could be used for indicating that a special layout exists, but that information by itself is nowhere enough to work with this data with ie. in the functions available in channel_layout.c. And if codec or client code is able to deal with the advanced channel layout configurations, they also have access to this side data.

I also believe is is easier to study more deeper integration once a non-intrusive possibility to work with advanced ISOBMFF channel layouts exists.

Here is how the mapping on speaker position level might be done:

/** Speaker positions according to ISO/IEC 23001-8 */
enum AVSpeakerPosition {
!    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_L      = 0,   /// Left front
!   AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_R      = 1,   /// Right front
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_C      = 2,   /// Centre front
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LFE    = 3,   /// Low frequency enhancement
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LS     = 4,   /// Left surround
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_RS     = 5,   /// Right surround
!   AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LC     = 6,   /// Left front centre
!   AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_RC     = 7,   /// Right front centre
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LSR    = 8,   /// Rear surround left
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_RSR    = 9,   /// Rear surround right
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_CS     = 10,  /// Rear centre
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LSD    = 11,  /// Left surround direct
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_RSD    = 12,  /// Right surround direct
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LSS    = 13,  /// Left side surround
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_RSS    = 14,  /// Right side surround
!    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LW     = 15,  /// Left wide front
!    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_RW     = 16,  /// Right wide front
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LV     = 17,  /// Left front vertical height
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_RV     = 18,  /// Right front vertical height
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_CV     = 19,  /// Centre front vertical height
AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LVR = 20, /// Left surround vertical height rear AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_RVR = 21, /// Right surround vertical height rear
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_CVR    = 22,  /// Centre vertical height rear
AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LVSS = 23, /// Left vertical height side surround AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_RVSS = 24, /// Right vertical height side surround
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_TS     = 25,  /// Top centre surround
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LFE2   = 26,  /// E2 Low frequency enhancement 2
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LB     = 27,  /// Left front vertical bottom
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_RB     = 28,  /// Right front vertical bottom
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_CB     = 29,  /// Centre front vertical bottom
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LVS    = 30,  /// Left vertical height surround
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_RVS    = 31,  /// Right vertical height surround
                                      /// 32-45 Reserved
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LFE3   = 36,  /// E3 Low frequency enhancement 3
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LEOS   = 37,  /// Left edge of screen
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_REOS   = 38,  /// Right edge of screen
AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_HWBCAL = 39, /// half-way between centre of screen and left edge of screen AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_HWBCAR = 40, /// half-way between centre of screen and right edge of screen
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_LBS    = 41,  /// Left back surround
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_RBS    = 42,  /// Right back surround
                                      /// 43–125 Reserved
    AV_SPEAKER_POSITION_EXPL   = 126, /// Explicit position (see text)
                                      /// 127 Unknown / undefined

I suppose if this is preferred, then one for 23001-8 channel layouts would be preferred as well..

It does seem confusing though that similar #defines are available in channel_layout.h and I am a bit uncertain of a 1:1 mapping between the two. I've marked in above with ! the ones that I found a match from the defines:


If this approach were taken, then the missing speakers positions (channels?) would need to be added, conversion maps for 23001-8 would need to be implemented (and probably refusing if there are non-mappable positions). Then layout bitmaps would be mapped into 23001-8 ones or if the layout cannot be found, a custom one generated.. Personally I don't mind how separate&simple this system still is :).

                 which is much more restricted compared to what the
standard permits.

Certainly, but the bitfield channel layout system is enough for most cases
and well tested. Any new system must work with it, not around it.

But as you may agree, such a modification would not be small. Certainly not one I would try as my first feature to FFmpeg.

Please follow the surrounding style for Doxygen comments: /** and */ on a
separate line, * at the beginning of each line.

Oops. I'll fix those.

+    /** The following are used if speaker_position == 126 */
+    int azimuth;
+    int elevation;

Please document the units and references.


Also, since it is repeated and packed, using a small type would make sense
here if possible.

I'll use the same types as in the headers: int16_t and int8_t.

+} AVAudioTrackChannelPosition;
+/** Describes the channel layout (ie. speaker position) of a single audio 
track */
+typedef struct AVAudioTrackChannelLayout {
+    int nb_positions;

+    /** followed by: AVAudioTrackChannelPosition positions[nb_positions]; */

AVAudioTrackChannelPosition positions[0];

That way, computing the address is taken care of by the compiler without
tricky pointer arithmetic, including alignment requirements.

Actually this is the way I had it in the first place, but compiler warnings convinced me not to do it. If I'll use positions[1] the allocations will end up slightly too large unless without slightly convoluted code.

Is there a preferred way? It doesn't seem like foo[1] is used anywhere.

(We already use 0-sized final arrays once in vaapi_encode.h; since VA API is
for Linux and BSD, it does not probe the crappy proprietary compilers
support it. In that case, using 1 instead of 0 is fine.)

In particular I don't want to do it conditionally :).

+} AVAudioTrackChannelLayout;

+/** Describes the channel layout based on predefined layout of a single track
+    by providing the layout and the list of channels are are omitted */

Could you make that clearer?

+typedef struct AVAudioTrackChannelPredefinedLayout {
+    int layout;        /** ChannelConfiguration from ISO/IEC 23001-8 */

+    int nb_omitted_channels;
+    /** followed by: char omitted_channels[nb_omitted_channels]; - non-zero 
indicates the channel is omitted */

Is there a reasonable upper bound to nb_omitted_channels?

Yes, ISOBMFF supports only 64 channels for this mask. But perhaps even a higher number is usable for some special case scenarios, not involving ISOBMFF?

Also, I think the naming is inconsistent: if nb_omitted_channels = 3 and
omitted_channels[] = { 1, 0, 1 }, there are only two omitted channels, not

I agree that it seems a bit inconsistent.. Would an integer array enumerating the omitted channels be better? Of course this whole problem goes away if the structure is fixed-size (ie. uint8_t omitted_channels_bitmask[64 / 8] or the uint64_t you suggested).

 enum AVPacketSideDataType {

@@ -1556,7 +1585,27 @@ enum AVPacketSideDataType {
      * Configured the timed metadata parameters, such as the uri and
      * meta data configuration. The key is of type AVTimedMetadata.
+    /**
+     * Channel layout, describing the position of spakers for the
+     * channels of a track, following the structure

+     * AVAudioTrackChannelLayout.
+     */

I think it would be a good idea if the name of the side data matches the
name of the structure as much as possible: Track -> _TRACK_. Ditto for the

Would it make sense to have a single side data type and an integer field at
the beginning announcing the type of the rest:

typedef struct AVComplexChannelLayout {
    enum AVComplexChannelLayoutType type;
    union {
        uint64_t bitmask;
        AVAudioTrackChannelLayout complete;
        AVAudioTrackChannelPredefinedLayout predefined;
        AVAudioTrackChannelLayoutObjectStructured object;
    } layout;

It does seem nice. The actual structs/enums might look like this:

typedef struct AVAudioTrackChannelLayout {
    int nb_positions;

    /** Contains nb_positions entries*/
    AVAudioTrackChannelPosition positions[1];
} AVAudioTrackChannelLayout;

typedef struct AVAudioTrackChannelPredefinedLayout {
    int layout;        /** ChannelConfiguration from ISO/IEC 23001-8 */
    uint64_t omitted_channels;
} AVAudioTrackChannelPredefinedLayout;

typedef enum AVComplexAudioTrackChannelLayoutType {
} AVComplexAudioTrackChannelLayoutType;

typedef struct AVComplexAudioChannelLayout {
    enum AVComplexAudioTrackChannelLayoutType type;
    union {
        AVAudioTrackChannelPredefinedLayout predefined;
        AVAudioTrackChannelLayout complete;
} AVComplexAudioChannelLayout;

enum AVPacketSideDataType {

     * Channel layout, describing the position of speakers for the
     * channels of a track, following the structure
     * AVComplexAudioChannelLayout.

* The channel layout is object structured with the number of objects in an int (may accompany AV_PKT_DATA_COMPLEX_AUDIO_CHANNEL_LAYOUT)
} AVPacketSideDataType;

I'm not super happy about the long names (though tempted to s/AVAudio/AVComplexAudio/), but what is the alternative :).

Thanks for reviewing and feedback!

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