Hi all

As noone is doing anything about the situation and what is being
done will not lead anywhere (the vote likely wont lead anywhere as
likely few would ban a active developer 4 month and then if not
some will feel injustice prevailed thus

After writing this mail i will

1. ban carl for 24h from the ML due to
causing  derek to leave the project. (24h was suggested in the IRC
I suspect carl saw the merges done by derek as causing more bugs than
good so he attacked until derek stoped doing the merges.
The correct course of action would have been a vote about stoping the
merges or a change to the procedure to reduce the amount of bugs.
Like maybe a seperate branch where merges can be tested for ~24h before
being pushed to master ...
Or maybe more people working on fixing regressions
As a sidenote, most of the regressions should be fixed by now.

2. ban derek for ~24h from the ML due to causing lukasz to leave the
project last year, and due to personal insults on the ML and IRC
to lukasz and carl.
As derek is not subscribed to the list ATM, this will be implemented
by moving him from the accept_these_nonmembers list to the
reject_these_nonmembers list for ~24h

3. ban myself for ~24h from the ML because i wrote offensive mails too
years ago and i doubt none was pivotal in causing someone to leave


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated
form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty. -- Plato

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