On 12/06/2016 22:58, Paul B Mahol wrote:

As requested in the IRC meeting I hereby request for the
voting committee to begin voting on whatever to ban Carl
Eugen Hoyos from mailing list, trac and IRC for 4 months,
starting after the voting has finished.

Voting will last 7 days from now.
In order for the vote to pass, at least 50% of all votes
from committee need to agree to do so.

Disclaimer: I'm not part of this committee

All developers and users are welcome to write about their
experiences with Carl.

My feeling here is that all the things that have been discussed about 
the CoC are a consequence of Carl's behaviour on the ML.
I can understand (I think) your feelings, but this is still problematic 
to me as a rule of thumb. It does not seem fair to decide on a CoC 
because of certain facts and then rule on those very facts on the charge 
that they fail to follow the rules that they have led to create.
In addition to this, I really feel that 4 months is way too long for a 
ban, as in "forever".
In short, I feel that this is unfair and too long a period, though I can 
understand your feelings on this.

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