On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 14:43:23 +0100, Thilo Borgmann wrote:

> +by a list of space separated float values. Character escaping has to be done.
> +A special option name @code{default} is available to use default options for 
> a
> +filter.
> +It is required to specify either @code{default} or at least one of the 
> filter options.
> +All omitted options are used with their default values.

To force paragraphs, you need to insert an empty line. Here, the
sentence "It is required ..." will be directly attached to the one
before, in the same paragraph.

> +Currently, only filters with zero (generators) or exactly one (filters) input
> +image and one output image are supported.
> +Also, transition filters are not yet usable as intended.
> +For image generators, the size of the output image is determined by the given
> +input image. The generators do not use the pixel information of the input 
> image
> +to generate their output. However, the generated output is blended onto the
> +input image, resulting in partial or complete coverage of the output image.

I don't understand, first it is explained that generators have zero
inputs, then that they use the "input image". Did this confuse
generators and filters?

> +The @ref{coreimagesrc} video source can be used for filtering based on
> +generator output without an existing input video.

This I understand quite well, but I would have put it differently. Hard
to say how though. Something like
  for generating input directly linked to the filters, instead of
  providing an input video.
but the real explanation comes below anyway...

> +    .inputs        = NULL,//vf_coreimage_inputs,

Stray debug remainder, commented out?

- You should document list_generators in the coreimagesrc section.
- You have a variable by the same name as a function (list_filters),
  but Objective C may not mind. (Does ffmpeg coding style mind?)

Too bad I don't have OSX. :-)

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