On 03/12/2016 08:31 AM, Mats Peterson wrote:
On 03/12/2016 07:14 AM, Mats Peterson wrote:
Here's an interesting one. Windows Media Player won't make any palette
changes without the xxpc chunks beeing indexed.

Fixing the logic for reading and seeking with xxpc chunks in the demuxer
  is a future task. Now the muxing of video with xxpc chunks works
properly at least.

Try playing the resulting test.avi file from the command line below with
Windows Media Player, with and without this patch.

ffmpeg -i TOON.AVI -c:v copy -c:a copy test.avi


TOON.AVI is the file below, not the one included in fate-samples, which
is only the first 1 MB of the original one, and which lacks an index).




Well, it doesn't matter, since it's the produced file that is relevant. Sorry.


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