On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 8:57 AM, Christophe Gisquet
<christophe.gisq...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> 2016-03-10 19:57 GMT+01:00 Hendrik Leppkes <h.lepp...@gmail.com>:
>> This patch (the relocations part) broke debugging mingw-w64 ffmpeg
>> builds with gdb, you can't set breakpoints anymore when its applied.
> That issue prevented me to do anything interesting for ffmpeg since
> then, thinking it was a toolchain issue. I've lost considerable
> ffmpeg-time (and actual code) over it.
>> It should either be reverted or made dependent on
>> --enable/disable-debug (I would favor the first, honestly, since its a
>> rather ugly hack in itself).
> At the very least, that dependence is needed, yes.
>> Did the binutils/mingw guys ever comment anything useful on this issue?
> And does it still exist? And for which toolchain/binutils/mingw
> runtime/gdb version actually? There are like 3+ versions one can use
> (yours, msys2, tdm, msys1, ...)

Any mingw-w64 build with a not-ancient binutils should probably be affected.
I found several references to this on the mingw ML from 2013 (ignored
since then), and reports on the binutils bugzilla from 2014 (no
movement there either).

Someone even posted a patch on the binutils bugzilla that added a new
option to safely generate relocation information, but it was never

- Hendrik
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