
On Sun, Nov 01, 2015 at 01:03:35PM -0500, Ganesh Ajjanagadde wrote:
> The rationale for this function is reflected in the documentation for
> it, and is copied here:
> Clip a double value into the long long amin-amax range.
> This function is needed because conversion of floating point to integers when
> it does not fit in the integer's representation does not necessarily saturate
> correctly (usually converted to a cvttsd2si on x86) which saturates numbers
> > INT64_MAX to INT64_MIN. The standard marks such conversions as undefined
> behavior, allowing this sort of mathematically bogus conversions. This 
> provides
> a safe alternative that is slower obviously but assures safety and better
> mathematical behavior.
> @param a value to clip
> @param amin minimum value of the clip range
> @param amax maximum value of the clip range
> @return clipped value
> Note that a priori if one can guarantee from the calling side that the
> double is in range, it is safe to simply do an explicit/implicit cast,
> and that will be far faster. However, otherwise, this function should be
> used.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> As a general remark, Clang/GCC has a -Wfloat-conversion so that at least
> implicit conversions can be found. This helped me in auditing the
> codebase. In order to reduce noise while testing, an explicit cast on the 
> return
> was placed. I can remove it if people prefer, though I like the cast as
> it makes the intent of possible narrowing explicit.
> Signed-off-by: Ganesh Ajjanagadde <gajjanaga...@gmail.com>
> ---
>  libavutil/common.h | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 31 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/libavutil/common.h b/libavutil/common.h
> index 6f0f582..e778dd2 100644
> --- a/libavutil/common.h
> +++ b/libavutil/common.h
> @@ -298,6 +298,34 @@ static av_always_inline av_const double 
> av_clipd_c(double a, double amin, double
>      else               return a;
>  }
> +/**
> + * Clip a double value into the long long amin-amax range.
> + * This function is needed because conversion of floating point to integers 
> when
> + * it does not fit in the integer's representation does not necessarily 
> saturate
> + * correctly (usually converted to a cvttsd2si on x86) which saturates 
> numbers
> + * > INT64_MAX to INT64_MIN. The standard marks such conversions as undefined
> + * behavior, allowing this sort of mathematically bogus conversions. This 
> provides
> + * a safe alternative that is slower obviously but assures safety and better
> + * mathematical behavior.
> + * @param a value to clip
> + * @param amin minimum value of the clip range
> + * @param amax maximum value of the clip range
> + * @return clipped value
> + */
> +static av_always_inline av_const int64_t av_clipd64_c(double a, int64_t 
> amin, int64_t amax)
> +{
> +#if defined(HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H) && defined(ASSERT_LEVEL) && ASSERT_LEVEL >= 2
> +    if (amin > amax) abort();
> +#endif
> +    // INT64_MAX+1,INT64_MIN are exactly representable as IEEE doubles
> +    if (a >= 9223372036854775808.0)
> +        return INT64_MAX;
> +    if (a <= INT64_MIN)
> +        return INT64_MIN;
> +    // Finally safe to call av_clipd_c
> +    return (int64_t)av_clipd_c(a, amin, amax);
> +}
> +

This wont work, because double precision has less than 64bit of mantisa,
as the number 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFC00 is the highest double precision number
that can be converted to a 64bit integer, values near INT64_MAX will be
rounded up to INT64_MAX and give undefined results.

So, I propose you do (a >= 9223372036854775296.0) instead, (this is
0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFE00, half the way to INT64_MAX+1).


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