On Sat, Oct 03, 2015 at 06:59:13PM +0200, Christophe Gisquet wrote:
> Cleaned up version of v1, with the first patches fixing bugs exacerbated
> by the following new code, in general improving the current code so as to
> introduce DNxHR.
> DNxHR is then added progressively, in particular the extended handling
> needed.
> Christophe Gisquet (7):
>   dnxhddec: cleanup frame header parsing
>   dnxhd: profile flags
>   dnxhdenc: do not select 4:4:4 profiles
>   dnxhddec: Introduce DNXHD_VARIABLE
>   isom: add support for DNxHR codec family
>   dnxhd: add CID 1270

do you have any testcases you can share for these ?


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

If a bugfix only changes things apparently unrelated to the bug with no
further explanation, that is a good sign that the bugfix is wrong.

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