Hi All,

We're the proposer of the OVH option.

Of course the project people should select the best options but for me is
difficult to argue that the option we propose is not one of the best.

Our offer is a 2 years prepaid high end server under the administrative
and tech management of the ffmpeg community (the contact for the server
will be person you decide, with no relation with our company except 3.000
euros prepaid transfer we'll do). The server would be hosted in a top 5
provider in europe (may be top 1/2 for dedicated servers, nº 3 hosting
provider in the world according netcraft in Jan 2014, 700.000 customers
today) with 100% uptime for their site since two years (0 outages since
April 2013).

For us is difficult to understand it's discarded based on some
not-so-conclusive test (also not applied over the other options in the
same way).

In any case, our offer is still alive next week if you think it twice.

Best regards, AG.
Antonio Guillermo Martínez Largo
Libnova, SL
Paseo de la Castellana, 153 - Madrid
[t] +34   91 449 08 94     [f] +34  91 141 21 21

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Michael Niedermayer [mailto:mich...@niedermayer.cc]
Enviado el: viernes, 31 de julio de 2015 17:35
Para: FFmpeg development discussions and patches;
mplayer-dev-...@mplayerhq.hu; rtmpd...@mplayerhq.hu;
CC: Antonio Guillermo Martínez (libnova); Joshua Ward; Nikolay
Aleksandrov; Markus Viitamäki
Asunto: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] New Server

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 07:06:02PM +0200, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> Hi all
> as you all probably know FFmpeg/Mplayer/... is searching for a new
> free server & hosting ...
> We received the following offers for a new server and hosting.
> If you think any of them are a bad choice then please speak now!
> i ommited one non free offer and one unspecific offer from a company
> who alternatively would want to finnancially sponsor us.
> as well as at least one which would be technically insufficient
> If i forgot some offer or theres a mistake in the list below please
> reply and add/correct the offer ASAP!
> I also intend to add a mention & link to the footer of the FFmpeg
> webpage for whoever is choosen, several of the sponsors below did not
> ask for that though.
> If you object to that, again, please speak now.
> I intend to accept 2 of the offers below for redundancy, again if you
> think something else should be done, speak now!

I almost forgot replying. And i guess if i dont reply noone will feel
authorative and reply anytime soon ...

there are only 2 options noone had a argument against.
OVH and vlc had arguments in public,
hetzner (virus issue & 50euro/mo, also public) kierans box is too weak/old
to host all our services but works fine for trac atm

against nexcess / futurehosting.com i receved a private argument from a
rtmpdump developer, as they are US based and hosting rtmpdump in the US is
expected by them to be problematic.

That leaves DreamHack and the Telepoint/MediaHub offer.
I thus accept these 2 offers

Thanks alot !


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend
to be. -- Socrates
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