On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 01:13:41AM +0300, Ivan Uskov wrote:
> Hello Hendrik,
> Ok, no problem. I will ask. But in general it makes no sense. I have
> got enough experience for MXF using and common transcoding developing
> to see that current implementation is not good and dangerous.
> I should to say that actually I see lot minor issues and quite ugly
> code pieces into QSV-related modules.
> I have got big doubts that all that was "by specific reason".
> For example discussed code piece not able to handle a case when decoded
> stream begins from arbitrary place, not from SPS. Decoding fails. It
> is common scenario for MPEG TS decoding.
> Also current code tries to handle dynamic SPS change at bad place (good
> place should be into the qsvdec.c) and by bad way (no fifo flush).
> My patch does not solve these issues but at least I have got clear
> roadmap in mind how to get qsv decoder more reliable and usable.
> It is just question of another patches.

> Should we keep this code which obvious bad?

no, bad code should be replaced by good or improved to become good

also maybe you want to send a patch to add yourself to the
MAINTAINERs file for qsv*


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

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