On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 8:45 AM, Anton Fedchin <anigh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on porting our project Kodi to DirectX11. We also use ffmpeg
> and I've implemented patch to ffmpeg dxva related code to work with d3d11
> video API. It works good. Before we send the patch we have a question.
> Question is what you prefer a configure switch or something else?

Part of the dxva support in ffmpeg is public API (ie. dxva_context).
Unfortunately, you cannot touch this struct without a major version
bump of ffmpeg.
This being public API also means that you cannot modify it based on
configure switches, since the API must remain the same.

So keeping in mind that you cannot touch the public API, personally, I
think the cleanest way to do this would be to just leave ffmpeg alone,
and a user-app that needs D3D11 could just write a simple wrapper
IDirectXVideoDecoder that internally calls ID3D11VideoContext instead.
This would not need any changes to the public API, or ffmpeg at all,
at only a small level of effort to write this wrapper (which is
probably half an hour).

- Hendrik
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