
On 01.02.2015 18:30, Timothy Gu wrote:
On Sun Feb 01 2015 at 9:01:04 AM Andreas Cadhalpun <
andreas.cadhal...@googlemail.com> wrote:
On 01.02.2015 16:44, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
doxygen  doc/Doxyfile
would lack the revission

Yes, one has to use the doxy-wrapper to get the revision:
doc/doxy-wrapper.sh ./ doc/Doxyfile doxygen

Is that a problem?

The "API" documentation on ffmpeg.org is generated with `doxygen

Surely that can be changed to above doxy-wrapper call.

Not that I support doing that (as it includes private
symbols too), but better not break existing scripts.

Any script using 'doxygen doc/Doxyfile' won't break, the created html files would just lack the date.

If you care about that, one could also leave the 'HTML_TIMESTAMP = YES' in the Doxyfile and just add 'HTML_TIMESTAMP = NO' to the doxy-wrapper.

That way, everyone using the doxy-wrapper gets a reproducible output (with the git revision) and nothing changes for those directly calling 'doxygen doc/Doxyfile'.

Best regards,
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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