On Wed Dec 31 2014 at 10:01:38 AM Reimar Döffinger <reimar.doeffin...@gmx.de>
> Interestingly, the --pkg-config=/bin/true workaround needs you to be
> careful to actually put libraries in --extra-libs, not --extra-ldflags or
> the check will fail for static libraries, which is not completely
> obvious/100% matching how other configure implementations do it.

This is completely obvious, and I am surprised if libs in ldflags would
work at all.

0. Why else would there be an `--extra-libs`?
1. The linking format `gcc -o out *.o -lmylib` is well documented.
2. In autotools, there is a separate `LIBS` variable, designed to hold
`-lmylib` (what a surprise). `LDFLAGS` is for "flags", not libs.

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