L'octidi 28 fructidor, an CCXXII, Clément Bœsch a écrit :
> ---
>  libavcodec/srtdec.c       | 33 +++----------------------------
>  libavcodec/srtenc.c       | 49 
> ++---------------------------------------------
>  libavformat/matroska.c    |  1 -
>  libavformat/matroskaenc.c | 45 +------------------------------------------
>  libavformat/srtenc.c      | 11 ++++-------
>  5 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)

I am in favour of doing this, and a quick glance at the code seems ok.

I have a small doubt about the handling of "move": it seems that with the
timed srt case, \move(x,y) is translated into "X: Y:" in the timestamp line
of the packet payload, while in the clean srt case it is dropped: should it
not be translated into side data? That is not something changed by the
patch, but the patch removes the "move" callback altogether, making the
issue less obvious, if there is one.


  Nicolas George

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