On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 06:49:39AM +0000, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> > But really that's insane, because I know you will 
> > end-up hardcoding all kind of linker flags to 
> > these fallback calls,
> Yes, some external libraries that never have 
> additional dependencies currently depend on pkg-config.
> > and this defeat completely the purpose of such 
> > simplified code.
> I thought the purpose is to allow educated developers 
> to use pkg-config while (uneducated) users (like me) 
> will not understand how this is easier than using 
> configure parameters.

Yes, it's also simpler for the users.

> > They will also almost never be tested,
> I will care about the testing.

Well, you probably won't test static linking of random libs on various
platforms typically.

pkg-config makes possible to completely ignore that part since it moves
the responsibility away from us.

That said, if you want to support a fallback as I suggested above, it
won't work as you expect:if you want to link with your custom flags and be
sure not to have pkg-config taking over your parameters (basically linking
to the system package instead of the one you specified through custom link


Clément B.

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