Kristian Oelgaard wrote:
> On 1 February 2010 15:40, Garth N. Wells <> wrote:
>> Marie Rognes wrote:
>>> Garth N. Wells wrote:
>>>> Marie Rognes wrote:
>>>>> Garth N. Wells wrote:
>>>>>> There seems to be a nasty bug in the quadrature optimisation. I can
>>>>>> compute a result, but it's wrong. I can try to look into it in more
>>>>>> detail later, but I'm using a combination of BDM and P0 functions
>>>>>> which
>>>>>> might be enough of a hint for someone.
>>>>> Could you give a test script?
>>>> Below is a script which reproduces a bug when the quadrature
>>>> optimisation is turned on. The norm of vectors assembled with and
>>>> without using optimisation dffer.
>>> Same problem arises with CG.
>>> This looks like Harish's old bug where:
>>>       un = dot(u0, n)/2.0
>>> does not work, but
>>>    un   = 0.5*dot(u0, n)
>>> does.
>> It's a strange one. I thought that Kristian had fixed it.
>> Interesting is that
>>  un   = dot(u0, n)/2.0
>>  F    = 1.0/(s0**2 + 1.0)
>> doesn't work, but
>>  un   = dot(u0, n)/2.0
>>  F    = s0**2
>> does work, as does
>>  un   = 0.5*dot(u0, n)
>>  F    = 1.0/(s0**2 + 1.0)
> Strange, I would have guess that the  'F' expression in the first
> example was the problem, but that it works in the last example is a
> mystery. I'll have a look at it.



> Kristian
>> Garth
>>> -- 
>>> Marie
>>>> Garth
>>>> from dolfin import *
>>>> mesh = UnitSquare(3, 3)
>>>> n = FacetNormal(mesh)
>>>> BDM = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Brezzi-Douglas-Marini", 1)
>>>> P0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", 0)
>>>> mixed_space = MixedFunctionSpace([BDM, P0])
>>>> # Function spaces and functions
>>>> r  = TestFunction(P0)
>>>> U0 = Function(mixed_space)
>>>> u0, s0 = split(U0)
>>>> U0.vector()[:] = 1.0
>>>> un   = dot(u0, n)/2.0
>>>> F    = 1.0/(s0**2 + 1.0)
>>>> L = r*F*un*ds
>>>> param0 = {"representation": "quadrature", "optimize": False}
>>>> param1 = {"representation": "quadrature", "optimize": True}
>>>> print "Vec norm (no opt):   ", assemble(L,
>>>>  form_compiler_parameters=param0).norm("l2")
>>>> print "Vec norm (with opt): ", assemble(L,
>>>>  form_compiler_parameters=param1).norm("l2")
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Marie
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