Hello all,

Been really pulling my hair on out on this one.  A bit of background…

I’m running Debian 12 on the machines in question.  As some of you may be aware 
- in Debian 12 the default is that (nearly) all logs go to systemd journal - 
NOT /var/log/*

So as such I’ve had to change my fail2ban configs to interface with this.

On one machine, I’m looking at sshd, postfix-sasl and some other things.  On 
this machine the bans/blocks work as well as being logged into the systemd 

root@orbital:/etc/fail2ban# journalctl -u fail2ban | grep -w Ban | wc -l

On another machine, I really only care about openvpn.  As openvpn doesn’t seem 
to have an included filter with fail2ban (at least on Debian 12), I am using 
these instructions:


My jail.local definition is:

enabled = true
port = 11194
protocol = udp
filter = openvpn
maxretry = 5 

I have one success and two problems with this setup.

The success is that it actually blocks - great !

The two problems (might be related ?  hence me posting here…):

- NOTICE  [openvpn] Jail started without 'journalmatch' set. Jail regexs will 
be checked against all journal entries, which is not advised for performance 
        I get this as it’s sucking in the whole journal by default.  However no 
amount of journalmatch etc that I have tried seems to work to avoid this.

- Even though the bans are working, they are logged to /var/log/fail2ban.log - 
NOT into systemd journal.

On my other machine as listed as above - I get the bans as well as the logs 
into the journal.  On that machine I have the global backend set to systemd, 
but my sshd jail also has:

backend = %(sshd_backend)s

I don’t have anything like that for openvpn.  Dunno if that is a cause or a red 

Would greatly appreciate any help on this.


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