
I want to use firewalld-ipset and log it to dmesg.
Only firewallcmd-ipset works fine, but if I add the logging, the
commands will fail.

banaction = firewallcmd-ipset

2024-07-05 17:52:23,585 fail2ban.utils          [268930]: ERROR   ffff84c29930 
-- exec: ports="0:65535"; for p in $(echo $ports | tr ", " " "); do 
firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule="rule family='ipv4' source address='' 
port port='$p' protocol='tcp' log prefix='f2b-rslight' level='info' limit 
value='1/m' reject type='icmp-admin-prohibited'"; done

$p isn't resolved to the port definition.

Is that a fault of my configuration or anything else?

root@pi-dach:~# grep -v '^#\|^$' 
before = firewallcmd-rich-rules.conf
rich-suffix = log prefix='f2b-<name>' level='<level>' limit value='<rate>/m' 
level = info
rate = 1

root@pi-dach:~# grep -v '^#\|^$' /etc/fail2ban/action.d/firewallcmd-ipset.conf 
before = firewallcmd-common.conf
actionstart = <ipstype_<ipsettype>/actionstart>
              firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule <family> filter <chain> 0 
<actiontype> -m set --match-set <ipmset> src -j <blocktype>
actionflush = <ipstype_<ipsettype>/actionflush>
actionstop = firewall-cmd --direct --remove-rule <family> filter <chain> 0 
<actiontype> -m set --match-set <ipmset> src -j <blocktype>
actionban = <ipstype_<ipsettype>/actionban>
actionunban = <ipstype_<ipsettype>/actionunban>
actionstart = ipset -exist create <ipmset> hash:ip timeout <default-ipsettime> 
actionflush = ipset flush <ipmset>
actionstop = ipset destroy <ipmset>
actionban = ipset -exist add <ipmset> <ip> timeout <ipsettime>
actionunban = ipset -exist del <ipmset> <ip>
actionstart = firewall-cmd --direct --new-ipset=<ipmset> --type=hash:ip 
--option=timeout=<default-ipsettime> <firewalld_familyopt>
actionflush = 
actionstop = firewall-cmd --direct --delete-ipset=<ipmset>
actionban = firewall-cmd --ipset=<ipmset> --add-entry=<ip>
actionunban = firewall-cmd --ipset=<ipmset> --remove-entry=<ip>
chain = INPUT_direct
default-ipsettime = 0
ipsettime = 0
timeout-bantime = $([ "<bantime>" -le 2147483 ] && echo "<bantime>" || echo 0)
ipsettype = ipset
actiontype = <multiport>
allports = -p <protocol>
multiport = -p <protocol> -m multiport --dports <port>
ipmset = f2b-<name>
familyopt =
firewalld_familyopt =
ipmset = f2b-<name>6
familyopt = family inet6
firewalld_familyopt = --option=family=inet6

kind regards

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