-------- Original Message --------
*Subject: *  Re: [Fail2ban-users] fail2ban-client Hangs on Exit
*From: *     Nick Coons <nick.co...@hyperionworks.com>
*To: *         Fail2ban-users <fail2ban-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
*CC: *
*Date: *      2023-6-19  05:42 PM
have you tried removing everything fail2ban related from iptables, after fail2ban is completely shut down?
Yes, I've tried manually removing the IPs from the list prior to shutting down, but it doesn't have any impact on the process.

It's better to stop fail2ban, then look to see if any fail2ban stuff remains, and then while fail2ban is not running, remove any fail2ban stuff from iptables. When fail2ban stops, it removes fail2ban stuff from iptables. If it leaves any, then something is not right.

Wayne Sallee

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