On Sun, 22 Dec 2024, Marcin Owsiany via Exim-users wrote:

Would it make sense to write a simple /usr/lib/sendmail shim that would
simply forward its input to localhost:25 (or to a UNIX socket, if Exim
could be taught to listen on one, as that would allow it to discover UID of
the invoking process)?

Exim supports RFC 1413 - Ident - so can discover the UID over TCP.
Since this is on local host we can require Ident to be enabled.

Listening on a UNIX socket could be useful,
but is sufficiently niche that it would probably best
be kept as a build time option if ever implemented.

I'm assuming that LMTP is not an option in this case ?

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK

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