niedz., 22 gru 2024, 13:54 użytkownik Andreas Metzler via Exim-users <> napisał:

> On 2024-12-21 Jeremy Harris via Exim-users <>
> wrote:
> > On 21/12/2024 16:11, Andreas Metzler via Exim-users wrote:
> >> Last time I looked at a similar issue the respective service file did
> not
> >> allow  CAP_FOWNER CAP_CHOWN. Afaict from looking at
> >>
> >> netdata does not either.
> > Is there some way the applications (and their developers) are supposed
> > to check for and report such runtime issues (given that errno doesn't
> > supply helpful information...) ?
> Hello,
> I think we just need to get accustomed to suspecting systemd hardening.
> (Cryptic permission error -> Probably* systemd service hardening,
> secondary candidates missing SUID bit, thirdly selinux or apparmor.)
> The key takeaway is that systemd service hardening will be of very
> limited use and very hard to get right if the respective daemon invokes
> complex third-party software which might need more/different permissions.
> There is huge potential for whack-a-molish trial and error.

Would it make sense to write a simple /usr/lib/sendmail shim that would
simply forward its input to localhost:25 (or to a UNIX socket, if Exim
could be taught to listen on one, as that would allow it to discover UID of
the invoking process)?


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