Dear Milan, 
On Fri, Nov 05, 2021 at 07:53:14AM +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
> On Thu, 2021-11-04 at 16:50 +0100, Torsten Finke via evolution-list
> wrote:
> > Then I have created a calendar connection as usual from evolution.
>       Hi,
> what is that, File->New->Calendar->CalDAV->... or a collection account?

not sure, what a "collection account" means. I connect to a calendar

> Did you run also the evolution-source-registry from the $PREFIX? I
> suppose you did, I only want to be sure.

yes of course. I have studied the build instructions on

very carefully. They are amazingly good - one has to follow them

> Looking into the code, there are some prerequisites to be fulfilled to
> have it working:
> a) the calendar URL should be https://

that was it!

Differently to the mailing subsystem the calendar suite requires HTTPS
as a prerequisite for GSSAPI. Basically that makes sense, but also
makes it more difficult to investigate, and it is not obvious.

> b) the libsoup should be built with the negotiate support
>    (see soup_auth_negotiate_supported())

I have checked that with the following little program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <libsoup/soup.h>

/* ---------------------------------------- */
int main()
    if ( soup_auth_negotiate_supported () ) {
        printf("GSSAPI supported\n"); 
/* ---------------------------------------- */

it prints "GSSAPI supported". 

> You can verify whether the method is properly set when you run the
> calendar factory process under gdb and place a breakpoint into
> e_soup_session_maybe_prepare_auth. Eventually you can add a breakpoint
> into soup_auth_negotiate_supported, to see whether it's called at all.

That hint points exactly to the solution:


   /* Provide credentials beforehand only on secure connections */

I had not expected this connection HTTPS/GSSAPI as a requirement.

Thanks and best regards


Torsten Finke
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