On Wed, 2021-10-27 at 09:29 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
> On Tue, 2021-10-26 at 21:14 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
> > Almost certainly that's because the Flatpack was a newer version
> > and
> > so the databases it used are incompatible with the older native
> > version.
> (Side note: it's 'Flatpak', without the 'c',
> I also had a hard time to remember to not write it there at the
> beginning.)

Oh, oops..


> Chris, this whole thread is a mess. What are we going to achieve
> here?

I was wanting to downgrade.. But it looks like that is not possible now
because my backup was saved with the flatpak version and not the .deb

> Are you going to use a packaged version or a Flatpak version? I
> understood from the thread that the package version broke, most
> likely
> after your manual cleanup of the files. I'd guess you deleted more
> than
> just those in the home directory.

Yes I did. 

>  This is the time when reinstall of
> the packages will help. Do reinstall every package from the evolution
> and evolution-data-server, thus the files are there (this can be
> tricky, as I think Ubuntu doesn't have a "top level" evolution-data-
> serer package, but it packages the data server libraries separately).
> Try `evolution --force-shutdown`, to restart the evolution-data-
> server
> background processes, unless you restarted the machine or did
> something
> similar.

I am using the flatpak version again. I tried to reinstall the .deb
version of EVO and it still wouldn't launch. I did list in the orginal
email what directories I cleaned out. 


> By the way, what Flatpak version is it, the one from the Flathub.org?
> That version runs independently from the host system (package)
> version,

Yes,  3.42.0

> they do not share any single bit. The Flatpak version saves its data
> under ~/.var/app/org.gnome.Evolution/, you can delete that, to start
> from scratch. Do that when nothing from the Flatpak version is
> running.
> The processes are `ps ax | grep evolution | grep app`. You can use
> `flatpak kill org.gnome.Evolution` to stop those.
> With respect of the mark as spam, there can be various reasons. From
> lost data for the bogofilter, to leftover \Junk flag on the messages
> (if you use IMAP),


> Chris
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