Response interleaved below (you'll see at the end why I said this

On Mon, 2021-02-15 at 11:18 +1300, Kiwi Rider via evolution-list wrote:
> Patrick, while I agree that the form of quoting you prefer seems 
> naturally better

I agree.  That, and trimming follow-ups.

> for quite some time now the form that Daniel Caron 
> used is the most common.

I agree, with great sadness ;^) (ah, also for the days of ASCII
emoticons, not that I ever used them that often).

> Most people [top post] and 
> the few of us who normally don't are disappearing.

Except maybe in history books or old email and Usenet archives.

> For the same reason I gave up the fight against HTML in email some 20
> years back.

I remember about 20 years ago informing one person by sending them the
voluminous HTML source (a few KB worth) for the email he sent me in
which he wrote only a single short sentence, showing him all the
unnecessary stuff his email client included in HTML email just for his
one little sentence.

> A number of email clients make it harder to quote properly,
> especially 
> those on Android it seems, and probably a number of Windows clients.

This is the scariest thing for me, and what motivated me to respond to
this email (merely indulging in nostalgia wasn't enough).  I once
replied to a prospective employer who then asked me why I sent them a
blank email.  Turns out their email client had collapsed everything in
my response including and below the reply mark, which is of course
(being a diligent in-line responder) where I had put all my responses.

After that, I always top-post a salutation together with a note that my
response is below (except for this list since it is populated by in-
line non-HTML responders, except for just this time to illustrate this
point).  That's when I realized that top-posting had taken over the
email world.

Reports of methods for thwarting such email client behavior with
respect to in-line replying are welcome (this is the closest I get in
this email to relevance to the charter of this list).

Robert McDonald

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