On Thu, 2020-09-17 at 12:16 +0200, Marc Chantreux via evolution-list
> also: we use debian stable as reference (because it's stable and
> simple for endusers) so i'm not on the last version of evolution.

it would be good to know the Evolution version, as I've absolutely no
idea what the version is from the above. It's important, things could
change meanwhile.

> now my first question: let's say i want to visualize the remote
> agendas of my colleages in evolution:

If you mean 'visualize' like 'add a (shared?) calendar', then ...

> AFAIS, i have to configure dozens of those one by one, i can't even
> use one of them as a template for the next one.
> * is it true?

... depending on your version, yes or no. When you
File->New->Collection Account and fill your WebDAV (CalDAV+CardDAV)
credentials (and eventually also server address (can be with path)),
then it'll auto-add all available books/calendars/memo/task lists
configured for that user.

> * is there a way to create a plugin or an external program to quickly
>   add some new calendars by querying an ldap server, for exemple?

Depending on your version, evolution-data-server allows getting .source
templates from a shared directory and adds them to the user list of
configured calendars/books/... depending what the .source defines.
There is:

   $ gsettings get org.gnome.evolution-data-server autoconfig-directory

which had been added as part of
which is related to
and one other in the chain of bugs.

Even there was planned to write some documentation for this (as an
extract of the bug comments), it never happened, unfortunately. Check
for example this thread:

You may also get some hints from the source registry when you run it

   $ ESR_DEBUG=1 /usr/libexec/evolution-source-registry

(the actual path for the binary can differ in your distribution). The
changes in the definitions are read on the source registry start.


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