On Fri, 2016-08-05 at 05:47 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Fri, 2016-08-05 at 00:00 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > 
> > As Adam already mentioned, there is a Redirect feature (it's under
> > Message->Forward though semantically it doesn't really belong there
> > IMHO). This is something that at one time all mail clients had, and
> > Evolution still does though most people aren't aware of it.
> While this keeps the original formatting, without adding a "forward"
> text, it doesn't return to sender. This mail From: Patrick
> O'Callaghan,
> To: evolution-list gets redirected to evolution-list and not to
> Patrick
> O'Callaghan. It's the same for private messages, without a mailing
> list
> header, a mail from somebody to me, gets redirected to me. Doing the
> same with Claws, you get the original formatting, without "forward"
> text, too, but you need to add a recipient manually.
> It belongs to "forward", since it's the same kind of formatting, just
> without the additional text.

And it doesn't happen automatically.

It would be possible to create a filter rule for sender and pipe mails
from somebody to a program, e.g. to a script using sendmail or a
sendmail replacement such as msmtp.

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