On Thu, 2016-08-04 at 22:20 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote: > On Thu, 2016-08-04 at 21:58 +0200, Rudolf Künzli wrote: > > The message was not clear. > > I have some people sending me messages I don't like. > > Naturally I could set up a filter and delete them automatically. > > But I like to let them know that their messages are not welcome > > More clear now? > > It was already clear enough by your first mail. I don't think that > Evolution provides such an idiotic feature. It's possible to do this > > with Linux, at least by a script, but somebody doing this is not better > than any other person who sends spam. Simply blacklist unwanted email > > addresses by the server's option. Most, if not all email providers allow > > to do this, by using their web interfaces to do so. To return emails to > > the sender is childish. What should this be good for? Are you trying to > do a pseudo DDoS attack? > Sir, You have all rights to call me an idiot even I am not such one. When I was much younger, in the 1985 I had an email function (BSD Unix) with that one I could bounce a message. I did get an disliked message and I could just hit "bounce" instead of "reply"... I simply did ask if such a feature exists. Thank you very much to call this behaviour to be childish (my age is 71). And just to complete the information on my person, I am a founder of Autodesk, Inc, and a developer of AutoCAD from 1982 to 1990... I hope you have a nice day...
-- Rudolf Künzli - rudolf.kun...@gmail.com Skype: rudolf.kunzli > > > _______________________________________________ evolution-list mailing list evolution-list@gnome.org To change your list options or unsubscribe, visit ... https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/evolution-list
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