I mean, I've tried gpg --encrypt --sign --armor -r per...@email.com
name_of_file, but does it have to be an armor file? 


fr. den 05. 02. 2016 klokka 09.27 (-0500) skreiv Adam Tauno Williams:
> On Fri, 2016-02-05 at 15:06 +0100, Stig Roar Wangberg wrote:
> > It seems like I manage to send signed emails. Not sure about he
> > encryption yet. But it seems like I cannot encrypt and sign at the 
> > same time. I get an error message when I try that.
> I received and could read your encrypted message to my address; I
> replied with an encrypted message.
> Note that when you send such a message you want to SIGN *AND* ENCRYPT. 
>  Both.  It is an odd use-case to encrypt without signing.
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