On Mon, 2012-07-09 at 22:59 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-07-09 at 16:12 -0500, Leonard Evens wrote:
> > We just have an upgrade of the main server on our departmental network.
> > It handles the mail servers I use.   I run evolution 3.4.3 on my machine
> > at home which is currently running Fedora 17.
> > 
> Before we can attempt to answer your other questions you need to tell us
> how your client(s) accesses mail on the server?  i.e. do you use IMAP?

I use imap.

> Also, some of your questions are very much server specific and it would
> be difficult for us to answer them without a detailed knowledge of how
> the server is configured, what MTA is used, what client access software
> is used and how the spam detection software is set up.  The people in
> the best position to answer those questions are the sysadmins for the
> server and you should probably try them first.

Of course, I tried to ask the system manager for my departmental network
first.  But he doesn't use evolution at home, preferring thunderbird
(and even running it from a Windows machine).  So
in effect I am the local evolution expert.

Changes he made after a lot of work did finally get things working for
me and others.   (For example, at first evolution didn't work at all,
and then it would only deliver mail to users of our departmental

It seemed that previously things appearing under ~/Mail on the remote
machine showed up in my local evolution under the heading for the remote
server.  But with the new server, they had to be in ~/mail.   So I
created a link in my directory on the server from ~/Mail to ~/mail, and
everything started working again.

If you could bear with me a bit more, it would help me if I knew how my
local evolution expects to communicate with a remote server and
where it looks for what.  Thus whereas previously it found files and
directories in ~/Mail, it is now finding them in ~/mail.  I don't think
I've told it to look in a different location, although I did fiddle with
some of the options under Receiving Options, none of which identify
where to look.

I presume my local evolution makes generic requests of the server, which
the server interprets appropriately, and that can change if the server
changes.  Knowing more about how that works might allow me to guide our
system manager if we get stuck again.

> P.
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Leonard Evens l...@math.northwestern.edu
Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University

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