We just have an upgrade of the main server on our departmental network.
It handles the mail servers I use.   I run evolution 3.4.3 on my machine
at home which is currently running Fedora 17.

Previously, I had some files on the departmental server in my home
directory in ~/Mail.  There was a file called caughtspam in which the
departmental version of spamasassin put detected spam.  I saw this under
the server heading as caughtspam and I could examine it to see if
something I needed  to look at was rejected as spam.  I regularly
deleted the contents of that file and expunged it and that did the same
to the file on the server.  I also had a file named learn into which at
home I could move messages I wanted to classify as spam.  A program run
on the server trained spamassassin on those messages and then
copied /dev/null to it.

There have been some problems since the change.  I can now see the
contents of my file in /var/spool/mail on the server as inbox under the
serving header at home.  If I delete such messages using evolution, they
are marked deleted and if I expunge them they disappear from the server.
I managed using New folder to create files called caughtspam and learn
under the server heading in evolution.  But I can no longer see what is
in ~/Mail/Caughtspam.  Also, I don't understand what is happening with

How do these things normally work?
Leonard Evens l...@math.northwestern.edu
Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University

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