>       Hi,
> thanks, the backtrace looks fine. One thread is synchronizing all your
> Search Folders, while another thread is storing summary information for
> one of those search folders. I guess the CPU usage is high during this
> time, maybe for whole 20 minutes. This all depends on the number of
> search folders you've defined. The other threads are basically idle,
> thus the long time is only about search folders and their
> synchronization (the current "camel_folder_refresh_info_sync"
> implementation in search folders seems to rebuild itself, which means to
> clear itself and refill from scratch - it seems to me that this refresh
> call is not needed on search folders when going to quit, on the first
> look).
> I'm not aware of any workaround for this. It would be good if you could
> file this in bugzilla [1], thus it'll not be forgotten. If you could
> attach there two backtraces, one after those 30 seconds, another say
> after 5 minutes of "inactivity", and confirm or falsify the high CPU
> usage, with a note of how many search folders with approximately how
> many folders in them you have, and what those real folders are from (On
> This Computer, IMAP, ...) and an approximate message count in folders.
> (The backtrace also shows that it's trying to update Unmatched search
> folder).
> Please do not forget to post here the bug link, for a reference.
>       Thanks and bye,
>       Milan

I'll create  a bugzilla report when I close down tonight with the
backtraces as request and post the links here tomorrow.

Thanks for the help.

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