On Thu, 2012-05-10 at 09:19 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:

> On Wed, 2012-05-09 at 08:33 +0100, Steve T wrote:
> > Evolution 3.2.3, Gnome 3, FC 16
> > 
> > It's no major issue, but Evolution tends to take an age to close down.
> > I have a few 'virtual' folders. Although I have cut down the virtual
> > folder list dramatically as it affected  the start up time, I still
> > have about 25 'virtual' folders that I use to split my personal,
> > business and family mail. The Evolution shut down time can run into
> > 10-15 minutes.
> > 
> > I have about 46,000 inbox mails and 8000 sent mails that are being
> > processed into the virtual folders.
> > 
> > Anyone have any idea as to why it's taking so long? 
>       Hi,
> it can be partly due to virtual folders, they are slower since
> db-summary landed, though that's subject to change. Nonetheless, to be
> sure, it would be good to get a backtrace of stuck evolution, to have an
> idea what it tries to do and what takes that long. You can get backtrace
> of running evolution with command like this:
>    $ gdb --batch --ex "t a a bt" -pid=PID &>bt.txt
> where PID is a process ID of running evolution (ps ax | grep evolution).
> Make sure the bt.txt doesn't expose any private information, like
> passwords (I usually search for "pass" (quotes for clarity only)). Also
> make sure you'll have installed debug info packages at least for
> gtkhtml3, evolution-data-server, evolution and any other evolution's
> third party providers/backends, like evolution-rss,
> evolution-exchange, ... if they are used on your machine.
> The current approach of closing evolution is that it stays running till
> any activity is active. These activities are usually shown in status
> bar, thus check what's written there while evolution is stuck. Basically
> once the status bar is empty, evolution quits.
>       Bye,
>       Milan

Thanks for the reply.
I hadn't seen you message and had already started Evolution from the
command line with CAMEL_DEBUG=all set.
Prior to that Evolution started automatically as normal this morning -
so to restart with debug, I had to close it down. What I saw (in the
status bar and messages was) was basically:
8:30 - I started the shutdown by clicking on the close window button
8:31 - SB -Checking Folder Consistency
8:40 - SB - Fetching Mail Messages followed by Checking Consistency
8:41 - Notification appeared of 3 new mail messages
8:50 - SB -Fetching mail and checking consistency again
8:57 - Evolution finally closed down

I have the mail set to collect from the pop servers every 10 minutes  so
that partially explains the 8:40 and 8:50 messages  - but it seems odd
that it attempts (and succeeds) to collect mail even after I have
requested a shut down (I'm not sure what that achieves). Maybe that is
what is protracting the shutdown?
I'm about to close down again now to see what the debug file shows

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