El día Monday, January 04, 2010 a las 10:50:59AM +0100, Milan Crha escribió:

> On Mon, 2010-01-04 at 09:23 +0100, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> > What is wrong in my process? Where the Subjects are stored outside of
> > backupIncoming.* files?
>       Hi,
> it's stored in folder's summary, I guess
> ~/.evolution/mail/local/folders.db
> for you. Was there any reason to play with internal evolution files
> instead of doing the same through the Evolution's user interface?

yes there was a reason ...

> Like:
> a) create a new folder
> b) drag&drop messages from one to the other

... because drag&drop messages is a nice idea, but not if we are talking
about some thousand messages :-)

the folder 'backupIncoming' contains a backup of any mail I have
received in 2009 (copied by some filter to this folder because the
central Exchange server will trash all deleted mails after 24h);

> c) delete old message from old folder
> d) expunge old folder
> That might do pretty the same what you were trying to do, and updating
> internal files properly. I guess there are not many options now:

at the moment I have the folder I wanted empty restored from the backup
place and all is fine (like it was before I started the procedure this

> a) close evolution; evolution --force-shutdown
> b) delete folders.db file
> c) run evolution (it'll recreate folders.db file).

will try this later;

> If you use labels, tags, flags or anything on your messages under On
> This Computer, then they will be lost by this. Alternatively, you can
> just drop that one table from folders.db by some sqlite3 command.

do you mean: sqlite3 folders.db "vacuum;"? or can this be done affecting
only the one folder 'backupIncoming'?

Thanks for your feedback

Matthias Apitz
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