
With the change to the new year I wanted to make a copy of one of my big
local folders and clear it (i.e. remove all mails there); I did (with
Evo shutted down):

$ cd ~/.evolution/mail/local
$ ls -C1 backupIncoming*
$ cp -p backupIncoming* ~/2009/....
$ rm backupIncoming.*
$ cp /dev/null backupIncoming
$ ls -l backupIncoming*
-rw-------  1 guru  wheel  0  4 ene 09:15 backupIncoming

now I started Evo and was expecting that the folder 'backupIncoming' was
empty and the backupIncoming.* files would be recreated by Evo (they
have been); but: Evo still has the Subjects of the purged mails and the
total number; of course clicking on one of the Subjects give an error
that the mail number XYZ could not be retrieved. 

What is wrong in my process? Where the Subjects are stored outside of
backupIncoming.* files?

Or what other way exists? I want to have the file
~/.evolution/mail/local/backupIncoming copied to a safe place (to read
it later with 'mutt') and have the ~400 MByte folder backupIncoming

Thanks in advance

Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <g...@unixarea.de> - w http://www.unixarea.de/
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