> Tor - thank you for the help, that did it... after that I was able to launch 
> the program, although it appears to keep a command-prompt window open?

It's not really a "command prompt" window, as there is not command
interpreter (cmd.exe) there, it's just Evolution's windows. The
correct term is console window. But at least you didn't call it a "DOS
box"... This is because the evolution executables are marked as
"console applications" and not "gui applications". (This is just a
field in the executable header, it has no effect on whether the
program can have a gui or not.)

That the console window appears is a completely trivial minor point
from a developer point of view, and extremely easy to get rid of when
building Evolution, just a -mwindows switch is needed, or even
afterwards if one has the suitable tool editbin.exe. To end-users the
console window seems odd, of course. The main reason why Evolution
still is by default built on Windows as a console application (i.e.
which opens a console window is because it makes it easier to see
error messages and warnings. But yeah, the default really should be

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