> That being said, when I re-setup my accounts from scratch I needed to
> setup my filters in order to control the flood of mails I get.  I used
> the right-click menu (Create Rule From Message -> Filter Based On
> Mailing List).  I then set the directory to move the message to which
> is a folder on the IMAP server where my account is located.
> The problem comes around when I try to manually trigger the filter on
> a relevant message by pressing ctrl+y - in fact the message in
> question is the one I created the filter from in the first place.
> When I do this I get a message at the bottom of the Evolution window
> stating that it failed to apply the filter (or some similar wording).

Hi Jared,

Just a curiosity, since you said you are using IMAP: Can you please show
us the piece of the ./evolution/mail/filters.xml that has the rule?

I just noticed something, but I do not know since when this has
happened: the last filter I created (moving to an IMAP target) had the
target uri wrong, pointing to the local mail. For example:

 <part name="move-to-folder">
  <value name="folder" type="folder">
   <folder uri="email://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Tests/Mail/URI"/>
 <part name="stop"/>

The actual target URI should have been

 uri="email://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Tests/Mail/URI"/>

Again, I do not know since when, and will run Evo 2.24 to see what
happens (I am running trunk).

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