To give more detail.  We are an office of 6 people - all using Evolution
2.8.2 in SUSE Linux.  We upgraded to this version of Evolution last year
and it has had a lot of stability problems and can't hot Sync easily.
We have been using different versions of Evolution since 2003 and so
have a huge amount of data.

We were looking for a system that would give us an Exchange-like
environment and were recommended to use Zimbra.  Our tech person is now
establishing a Zimbra Server in our office to give us the ability to
share calendars and contacts as well as use our I-phones and Treos
without having to re-file our e-mails when we come into the office as we
all work remotely quite bit from Windows based evironments at home as

We are now upgrading to Ubuntu with Evo 2.22.2 and with an on-site
Zimbra server.  This is all new to us, but our biggest concern is that
we would lose our folders and filters that we have spent many hours
setting up in Evolution when making the change.   Since we have had a
bad year with Evolution, we are inclined to move away from it entirely
and I admit to not fully understanding the advantage to keeping
Evolution on our desktops.  Wouldn't this mean that if we access our
Zimbra server from home, we would not have all of our e-mail data and
filters?  If so, this is not for us.  If so, how does that work?

I will pass on all of the suggestions you have all made so far to our
tech person who will be tackling this conversion issue in the next day
or 2 and welcome any other recommendations.  As you can see, my
knowledge is limited but my commitment to using Linux based software is


On Tue, 2008-07-22 at 00:24 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:

> > 
> > Actually, wasn't there, recently posted, a Zimbra connector,
> I get the impression that the Zimbra-Evolution connector is deprecated.
> Certainly it's only available for fairly old versions of Evo and talking
> to some Zimbra people they have said that they see no need to develop
> the connector as native standards based interaction between Evo and
> Zimbra is just as good (i.e. using IMAP/CalDAV/LDAP), if not better, and
> certainly more sustainable.
> P.
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