On Thu, 2007-11-08 at 13:42 +1000, Ian Mortimer wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-11-07 at 11:38 -0500, Chris Williams wrote:
> > I can't be the only exception to this.  I've been using Evo since
> > it's .9x days on various flavors of Fedora Core, and recently Ubuntu.
> > In all this time, I have only seen Evo crash a handful of times.  My
> > initial impression is that Exchange users are the ones that seem to
> > suffer the most, is that the case?  
> Seems like it might be.  I've been using Evolution for a long time also
> and found it very stable until we moved to Exchange.  Not only does
> Evolution crash more often it generates a bug report on just about every
> exit (and has a acquired a few other annoying habits like multiple
> password prompts).  

Just to reiterate: I can't speak to stability problems with Exchange,
but I get stability problems anyway and I've never used Exchange in any
shape or form.


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