Paul D. Smith wrote:
> Michelle Murrain writes:
>  > I don't have spamassassin installed - I'm simply using Evolution
>  > (version 2.10.1 - Ubuntu Fiesty) as a pop client.
>  > 
>  > Are you saying that I'd have to set up spamassassin on my laptop to
>  > filter the spam before it gets to evo? That certainly is a possible
>  > solution, but it would be a drag.
> Others have already weighed in on this, but to speak specifically
> about Ubuntu:
> Evo on Ubuntu is built with both the spamassassin and bogofilter
> plugins.  However, as others have said, both plugins simply interact
> with the already-installed tools on your system; they don't contain
> those tools themselves.
> I agree with the majority: bogofilter is far and away the better
> choice.  So, go to your package manager and install bogofilter, then
> go to the evo plugins and select the bogofilter plugin and deselect
> the spamassassin plugin.  Then restart evo, and start training
> bogofilter.  Remember that you need to check your junk folder and mark
> incorrectly tagged messages as "not spam" as well: that's an important
> part of the training.  It won't take too long (depending on how much
> mail you get) before things start working as you expect.
> As with others here, bogofilter is now all but perfect for me when
> detecting spam.  I couldn't live without it.
In case you're interested in more info re bogofilter.. the faq has some 
quick info re training etc... ( note:  per above, I believe you have to 
have training on BOTH ham and spam before bogofilter will be able to 
effectively mark mail )
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